Aboot Page

Hey fellow bloggers! This is the "aboot" page for my blog! Yes, I realize I'm not Canadian, but I write about hockey right? So really, I truly am sort of Canadian. I'm 14 years old, waiting to be entertained by something on the internet (preferably either hockey or some sort of photography). I live in Park City, Utah  and life has been pretty great. Shreddin' the gnar, chuckin' some filthy sauce, and just flat out having fun. Puck is life, and I play it all day 'erry day. I also enjoy photography. I've recently just gotten into photography, so I'm not the greatest. To be honest though, if you love doing something (even if you're not any good at it), keep doing it! For my later life, I either want to play hockey, be a photographer, or be an astrophysicist. SO, read my posts... They're sort of interesting... ish...
Taken with my T3 in San Francisco

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